Personalized Embryo Transfer/Endometrial Receptivity Assay

Over the last three years IVIGen Corporation, a reproductive medicine laboratory headquarterd in Valencia, Spain has been researching endometrial receptivity. Their work has led to a major breakthrough in the area of reproductive medicine, i.e., dispelling the notion that all women’s uterine lining respond to hormone replacement therapy the same way. The IVIGen physicians and scientists have studied patients who have had at least three failed IVF transfers of good quality embryos, i.e., individuals who you would expect to have a very high chance of pregnancy. These investigators have identified over 300 genes that are involved in making the uterus receptive. Their data indicate that approximately 26% of these failed patients have endometrial linings that are out of phase, meaning they are either resistant or hyperresponsive to progesterone. When these out of phase individuals are treated with additional or fewer days of progesterone they get pregnant at expected high rates. The status of being resistant or hyperresponsive seems to be consistent for periods up to two years. At the Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine we are offering endometrial receptivity assay assessment. A mock cycle of estrogen preparation followed by progesterone is given at which time an endometrial biopsy is performed. Results of the biopsy are available approximately ten days later. Biopsies are interpreted as either receptive, meaning no problem with the standard preparation of the lining or non-receptive either resistant or hyperresponsive. Following correction of a non-receptive lining another mock cycle documenting a corrected window is recommended. Cost to perform the endometrial biopsy including IVIGen Lab interpretation and shipment is approximately $1,200. If there are other causes for an abnormal uterine lining, i.e., fluid in the cavity, a thin lining, polyps, fibroids or adhesions these factors need to be corrected prior to performing the assay. At the Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine we believe an endometrial receptivity assay should be performed on any individual who has had two or more failed transfers of good quality embryos. We believe the endometrial assay is a major step forward in explaining why at least 26% of individuals may not be getting pregnant. If you feel you may be a candidate for endometrial receptivity assessment, please contact one of our physicians to discuss this in detail.

Kevin L. Winslow, M.D.

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The Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine has infertility specialists in Florida and Georgia who have treated infertility patients like Cassie. At the FIRM, we help ensure the patients who elect surrogacy as their treatment have a wonderful pregnancy journey. To schedule an appointment, call 800-556-5620 or visit

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