
Single Embryo Transfer – The New Reality

We are pleased to announce Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine is now one of a select group of IVF programs in the nation now offering Day 5 Laser Embryo Biopsy.  This technology allows for the laser extraction of multiple cells from a day 5 embryo to test for genetic normalcy prior to transfer.  Prior day 3 embryo biopsies where only one or two cells were available for testing has been shown not only to be inaccurate, but to compromise implantation rates.  Day 5 embryo biopsy has tremendous implications in terms of avoiding multiple births, i.e. with accurate pre-embryo genetic screening ongoing pregnancy rates of 60-70% have been reported with a transfer of a single chromosomally normal embryo.  Because the majority of pregnancy losses are due to chromosomally abnormal embryos, this technology is expected to significantly reduce miscarriage rates.  The cost for this service will range from $2,500.00 to $3,000.00 depending on the number of embryos biopsied.  We expect these costs to be recouped by avoiding freezing and transfer of abnormal embryos.  By avoiding multiple births with their inherent risks and costs, we have eliminated the greatest problem associated with IVF.  If you are interested in learning more about this technology, please make a consult appointment with one of our physicians.

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Dear Dr. Winslow, I had decided long ago that no matter what the turnout of our IVF was, I was going to write you a letter and share my story with you as well as thank you and your staff for all they have done for us. We could not have asked for better care […]

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